Your Words Matter. Write them anyway!
Some stories are easy to write. The words flow, the ideas come together, and before you know it, you've filled pages with confidence. But other stories—especially the ones closest to our hearts—demand courage.
Courage to be honest.
Courage to be vulnerable.
Courage to trust that the story God has given you is worth telling.
This week, as we talk about writing with courage, I couldn't help but think about Lasting Ever by Rebecca St. James and Cubbie Fink. Their book is a powerful reminder that our stories—both written and lived—require faith, resilience, and a willingness to step into the unknown.
Rebecca and Cubbie don't shy away from the struggles they've faced. They share with raw honesty, showing us that faith doesn't mean avoiding hardship but walking through it with trust in God.
As writers, we often hesitate to tell our own hard stories. We fear judgment, rejection, or simply that no one will care. God can use your most tough experiences to encourage and uplift others. Your words could be the very thing someone else needs to read to know they're not alone.
Writing with courage isn't just about facing personal fears. As you write, you surrender your work to God when you invite Him into your creative process. This changes everything.
Here are a few ways you can step into courageous, faith-filled writing:
- Pray before you write. Ask God to guide your words and open your heart.
- Write with authenticity. Do not water down your message to make it more comfortable.
- Trust God with the outcome. Whether one person reads it or a thousand, God will use your words as He sees fit.
Rebecca and Cubbie's story reminds us that faith isn't just about the big moments—it's about the daily choice to trust, to show up, and to keep going even when it's hard.
Writing is the same way. Some days, the words come easily. Other days, doubt creeps in, and the cursor blinks at you with impatience. But if God has given you a story to tell, it is worth writing.
So this week, I encourage you to take that next step of faith. Write the words that scare you. Share the message that is on your heart. Trust that God is in every sentence, every chapter, and every detail.
When we write with courage, we don't just tell stories. We create space for God to move through us and them.
Design Your Story, Shape Your Future, Shonda Ramsey