Vision helps us to see more clearly
Do you know what your brand's vision is? Have you ever sat and really thought about the importance of having a vision for your brand?
My brand's first vision, when I launched Lilian Grace Designs, was - It is my hope that together, we can bring back handwritten sentiments to show others how truly valuable they are to us. There are so many people hurting, just think of what you can do by sending a unique card or gift, showing them how loved they truly are!
Looking back, I can see where my heart was when I first formed my business but I can also see how much growth has occurred to get me to my point of rebranding. This week, I have been sharing with you on social media all about my brand's beginnings. It has been really fun to look back and be reminded of how and why I started in the industry I am in today.
It also reminded me of personal objectives I set for myself that may have gotten forgotten about along the way. As I work towards my rebrand in both business and life, this reminder will serve me well as I move forward in the process.
If you are at a point in your life or business where change is imminent, do not fear the change that is on the horizon. Even if you no longer have a business or never had a business, you can still create a personal vision for your life that will help guide you toward your goals.
I want to encourage you, today, to take some time and write out your vision. Follow the instructions below that are applicable to you in your current season of life.
For the current business owner: perhaps you already have a vision set for your business. Reflect back on the words you wrote to set the stage for your vision. Does it still apply? Great! Post it where you can see it daily and remind yourself of the incredible vision you have. If it no longer aligns, take some time to write a new vision that captures the future of your business and post it where you can see it daily.
For the someday business owner: perhaps you have been contemplating on starting a business and don't really know where to begin. I want to encourage you to write down your vision. Dream BIG and think far into the future, what do you hope to do within your business? Write it, and reflect on it. Post it someplace that you frequent so you can be reminded of a hopeful future as a business owner.
For the author or aspiring author: perhaps you have not yet thought about having a vision in this way before. When I was first writing I didn't think about having a vision for my writing endeavors and wasn't sure if I would ever get to the point of wanting to publish my works. Having a vision set for whatever you decide to do will help you as you move towards that end goal. I want to encourage you to think about what it would look like to be a published author or dream about how different things could be from now. Write down your vision and post it where you can see it daily as a reminder of your goals.
For you, personally: I want to encourage you, today, to take some time and write out your personal vision - the one that will serve your life as a guiding light. What kind of person do you hope to be, how do you want others to know you, and what legacy are you wanting to leave behind? Write your personal life vision in a way that captures all you hope to be and post it somewhere you'll see it daily as a reminder of all you strive to be.
Visions help us see more clearly, and live life with more intent. When I go through hard times, having a vision that I can remind myself of helps me to keep moving forward even if it's difficult to do so. It gives you hope for a brighter future, even if it feels like there is no hope to be found. if you are able to do so, do these exercises now so that if troubles come you'll be equipped with a reminder that will serve you well. If you are not in a place to be able to dream about the future and look at this with hope, don't lose heart, pray about it, and come back to it when you feel you are ready.
With Grace, Shonda