The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

Every year, I reevaluate the direction my business is going as I make necessary changes to keep it fresh, relatable, and current. At the end of 2024, I struggled with this process far more than I should have as I wrestled with the decision to keep going, or to shut it all down so I could focus on something else.

I recently realized what it means to feel old. The more I age, the more exhausted I get, and the easier it is to become injured or sick. I had a strong focus in 2024 on bettering my wellness and while I have made great progress, I have a long way to go still. Which is why, it will have a strong focus again in 2025 as I make decisions that align with my overall health and wellbeing.

The word "simplify" kept coming up as I looked forward at what the future may hold for my business. Because it was a constant word, I decided to listen to that inner voice or guidance as I stripped back everything I was doing.

I recently updated my website to showcase how a more simplified approach will look. It's far from complete, but already, I feel like I can breath again.

Part of this simplification was how, when, and why I am showing up on social media and in this blog. Last year, I challenged myself to write a blog weekly, post daily, and show up as often as possible. This year, I'm using a more organic approach to how I am showing up for you. That means, you'll hear more from my heart and less pre-planned business lingo. I'll share the things I'm working on, my struggles, my triumphs, and the products I'm creating that are changing my processes. 

Hopefully what I share will help you, as that is my intention in all that I do. Because faith is extremely important to me, you'll begin to see it show up more in everything I do. I have a strong desire to serve others in a way I feel God is calling me to do. No matter what your beliefs are, you can always adapt my lessons to fit your faith and lifestyle if you feel comfortable doing so. 

I work with people of many different beliefs and lifestyles because that is the kind of person I am. I believe in order to be more like Jesus, we have to lead in love and acceptance. I am not a judge or executioner. I firmly believe that the sin of others is between themselves and God, it isn't my place to point out anyone's flaws or shortcomings because I have my own to work on. 

I am not like everyone else. I have walked through the fire to get to where I am today, and there have been times I have turned my back on God as I got lost. Through it all, I struggled to find my place among a community that accepted me as I was. Which is why I am working so hard to build one for others, like me, who feel as if they don't fit in. I'm either too religious or not religious enough, depending on which group you ask. I choose to be true to myself and my beliefs but I also accept you and yours. 

I want to work with individuals who are kind, loving, and want to do good in the world. As I simplify my business, I will also be simplifying my client roster. it is important to me that I continue to do business with others who accept me as I am, and celebrate the beauty of design with me.

Lastly, this year, I will publish my second book. It has been challenging to write as it has pushed me beyond my comfort zone as I had to face myself head on to work through limitations I still had. It is my hope that the words found within the pages will give confidence to someone who seeks change as they answer the call the serve others. 

I look forward to everything 2025 has in store for us all. 

Design your story, shape your future. 



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