Overcoming Obstacles to Fulfill Your Goals

Overcoming Obstacles to Fulfill Your Goals

This week's conversations have all been about obstacles. We all have them, some are bigger than others, and some require a bit more effort to conquer. 


Sometimes, we fall into the trap of "avoidance is bliss" in that we know there is an obstacle, but yet we choose to ignore or avoid it and go on a different path. I know I'm guilty of this, if my goal seems too far out of reach, I keep pushing it off for as long as I can, and then I question why I waited so long to even try because now it's 100 times worse. 


I have had to start looking at things a bit different. The first place I look is at the goals I have put into place. Are they realistic? Are they attainable? Are they purposeful? Are they important? All of these should have a resounding yes answer to them. If any have a no, then I need to figure out how to alter this goal so that I'm not setting myself up for failure when I cannot achieve it.


Once you have your goals set up to where they are realistic, attainable, purposeful, and important, you then have to look at the steps needed towards them. Are they clearly defined? Are they doable? Do I have everything I need? Once you answer these questions, you can then move on to how you will achieve your goals.


Because every goal is different, there will always be something that will try to trip us up along the way. If I have a goal of writing my rough draft to my next book by the end of the year, but I am constantly being pulled in two different directions with work commitments and the need for rest, then I may need to see how I can reschedule something to open up room for me to devote to my writing weekly.


In the past, overwhelm has often caused me to be frozen in place. It's easy to say "I'm simply too tired to do this." The problem that can arise from saying this too often, is that you'll never make progress. 


Be intentional in the steps you take to overcome obstacles to fulfill your goals. You are the one in control, don't be afraid to make adjustments as needed. Don't set unrealistic expectations on your shoulders, they will only attribute to your frustration and become an obstacle that piggybacks on the already large obstacle.


You can do whatever you strive to do. Countless others have done it, I have done it, and you can do it too. The thing you have to remember is that in order to do it, you have to take action, because it will not happen on its own.


Cheering you on, Shonda Ramsey 

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