Lessons Learned from Playful Dolphins
Did you know that dolphins are a symbol of harmony and joy?
I have always loved watching them since I was young. I had the absolute joy of growing up vacationing at Hilton Head Island since I was eight. Each summer, I would stand on the shore in search of just one dolphin. They weren't seen every day that I would search, which would always leave me sad but hopeful for the next hunt.
When I was a teen, I took my first dolphin cruise with my family. We bounded a small vessel and as I fought waves of nausea from the bumpy sail, the moment we came to a stop and was instructed to put our hands in the water to welcome a dolphin that had swam up to us, I was filled with pure happiness. That moment has forever lived in my memories.
It has become a tradition to take a dolphin cruise when we visit the island. The last time we were there was in 2019, and a hurricane was coming on the day we took our cruise, which resulted in the inability to go farther out and only seeing a handful of dolphins. This trip, however, was already shaping up to be different. The weather was picture perfect in the 80's with a gentle sea breeze keeping us cool. Surprisingly, I didn't get seasick this time, and to our delight, our cruise was filled with the presence of so many dolphins I couldn't count them.
They were all around us! Both sides of the boat, front and back as well! My heart was so happy watching them as they jumped out of the water and back in in perfect harmony with one another.
There are three seemingly prominent lessons I learned from my time spent with the dolphins on this trip.
- Dolphins form deep social connections
- Dolphins must surface to breathe
- Dolphins play as a way to have valuable opportunities for them to learn how to think
Let's take these fun dolphin facts and put them into a lesson that makes sense for us.
- Deep social connections are something that I like to form as well. I crave human connection, especially since I work from home. Seeing the many pods of dolphins together was incredible! It reminds me of how much fun I have with my friends when we all get together.
- On days when I feel like I'm drowning, I need to remember to come to the surface to breathe. I am in control of my to-do list and schedule. If it's too much, I need to alter it to not be so overwhelming.
- Taking time off of work to play and enjoy myself brings forth new ideas, inspiration, and a fresh perspective. I shouldn't feel guilty for playing. Regularly scheduled time for rest, relaxation, and a little fun will help me be more joy-filled in the long run.
This time spent on the Island has brought up a new question for me to consider as we near the end of the year----> What is the single most important thing I should be doing?
I do so much. I hear it from others all the time. I know I do it. Yet, for some reason, I always feel as if its not enough. Perhaps its not that it isn't enough, but instead it just isn't the single most important thing I should be doing.
I was recently reminded by two very close friends of mine that right now, focusing on my health is exactly what I should be doing. I prioritized myself this year for a reason, a new diagnosis at the beginning of the year became the eye opening push that I needed to take control of my situation. While I have come a long way, dropped 30 pounds, and completely changed my diet, I still have a lot of work remaining to do to be healthier.
Perhaps right now the single most important thing I should be doing is what I am doing ---> getting healthier. The rest is just an added bonus that should bring harmony and joy to my life, not angst.
May you remember this lesson from the dolphins and apply it to your life so you can be filled with harmony and joy.
With Grace, Shonda Ramsey