Just Keep Trying!

Just Keep Trying!

What works for me may not be what works for you and vice versa.

Remember...we are all DIFFERENT.

One of the most beautiful things about the human race is the fact that we are all so diverse and different. Who we are, what we believe, our habits, our appearance, our religious beliefs, and even how we write is all very different from one another. This is also why it is important that you find your authentic voice instead of mimicking someone else. Your unique makeup is what makes you who you are, and is what others will remember about you most.

How we do things is also different, which is why sometimes we feel as if we've failed when in reality we just haven't discovered what works for us. I'm guilty of analysis paralysis - trying to do analyze how I do something in comparison to how someone else is doing the same thing and seems to be successful in doing it. We forget that what we see as an end result for someone likely didn't show us the nitty gritty, the ups and downs, or the mountains climbed to get to this moment.

If you think about it, most social media videos are a minute or less, so there simply isn't enough time to capture it all in one video, and the person likely had shared these moments many years prior, leading up to this one video you just stumbled on. Or, perhaps they are like me and didn't share at all because social media is a place where I don't thrive. 

It's good to glean advice from experts who have paved the way before you, but it is important that while you take that advice and try to apply it, you are only applying the things that make the most sense for who you are and how you do things. A good example I can give you is this...

I recommend planning out your business in 3 month increments, focusing on one quarter at a time. The way I do this is with an old school paper planner and colored pens. Every Monday morning, I write down my to do list on my weekly plan sheet and color code it based on the categories they fall under so I can visually see where my time will be spent. 

If you are someone who has never used a paper planner in your life, or have tried and hated it, then this method isn't going to work for you. However, if you thrive with digital planning, you can take my advice and tweak it to fit you the best way possible. This doesn't mean my advice is terrible advice, it just means that in order for it to work for you it has to be altered to fit you (kind of like clothes that are too big). 

The best advice I can give you in all of this is if you try something that doesn't work for you, try something else, and if that doesn't work, try something else. Repeat until you do find what works for you. Don't be afraid to tweak it with things you know will work for you. 

Failure comes when we stop trying. Don't give up!
With Grace, Shonda Ramsey
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