Fun Facts About Me
Perhaps its time for me to let you in to my heart a little more. These are some questions that are often asked in discovery calls with my answers.
What inspired you to become a graphic designer?
In my corporate jobs, I often designed the company website and marketing materials. The more I designed for them, the more I fell in love with digital design. The thing that got me to switch, however, was when I wrote and designed 3 children's books for my niece and nephews. Seeing them printed and in my hands is what caused me to fall in love with it back in 2009.
Can you share a memorable moment from your career in graphic design so far?
Crying with a client after revealing their brand identity. Being able to capture what she struggled to say in a way that represented her heart reminded me why I chose to do this.
What's your favorite aspect of helping entrepreneurs and small businesses with their brand identity?
Solving problems! I listen to their pain points and goals for their brand before I begin my process of finding solutions. Brand identity isn't just the visuals, it's coming up with all the components that make a brand stand out from their competitors that gets me excited. Discovering a brands footprint is the key to designing an identity that reflects their values.
How did you discover your passion for designing book covers and formatting for authors?
Here's a fun fact you likely didn't know - I used to proofread manuals for airplane propellers. In my early twenties, my job was to make sure the formatting was correct on each and every page, as well as common mistakes in punctuation and spelling. I started designing book covers and interiors in 2009 with the books for my niece and nephew, from there, it was something I did for my brand via planners and journals. I have always loved editorial design and I did get the opportunity to work with a client who was launching a publishing sector. The more I designed books for them, the more I loved it and decided it was time for me to do more book designs. It really is my favorite.
What motivated you to write a devotional book on authenticity and identity?
I was writing a romance novel in 2022 that started unlocking things I thought I had buried deep inside of my heart. I found that I would write emotions that kept coming to surface and quickly realized that I was writing my story, and not that of my characters. I took that as my sign to pause my romance novel and officially write my story in a way that helps others uncover their authenticity and identity. The more I wrote it in 2023, the more connected to the healing that was happening within my heart I became. I struggled at the bottom of the ocean for a very long time, it was cold, dark, and lonely. No one should ever have to go through hardships alone. My book is the blueprint in how to take control of your life after hardship and find joy in the live you've never imagined.
Can you tell us about a challenging project you worked on and how you overcame it?
My branding. I can easily help others determine their branding, but when it comes to me, I freeze. When I opened my business in 2017, I was afraid to be me, and so I branded it under a different name. In a way, this helped me hide behind the scenes which felt comfortable, but it caused so much brand confusion. I am currently in the rebranding process now, and it wasn't until last week that I finally had my breakthrough. Sometimes, accepting yourself as you are is what you need to move ahead.
What's your go-to source of inspiration when you're feeling creatively blocked?
Musical movies. There's something about amazing music, creative dance, and exceptional acting that really stirs up my heart. I have a few favorites on repeat: The Greatest Showman and This is Me...Now are my top two.
Outside of graphic design, what are some of your hobbies or interests?
Photography is something I did for a long time and pick back up from time to time, although I no longer photograph weddings and seniors, I do enjoy landscape photography. I like to get lost in a book (romance usually) but find once I start I struggle to put it down until it's finished. Writing is something I used to do only for myself, afraid to share with anyone else. It is becoming a passion that I have unlocked and now I want to write so many books.
How do you incorporate your values of authenticity and identity into your daily life and work?
On days when I struggle with low self-esteem, I remind myself that showing up as I am may help someone else be able to show up as they are. When you are used to keeping to yourself and hiding behind the scenes, it is a challenge to begin being visible again. If I feel like I've lost myself at all during the day, I face myself in the mirror with a pep talk to get out there.
Can you share a fun fact about yourself that most people wouldn't know?
My office was set up inside of what used to be the nursery. I had so many negative memories and emotions tied up inside of this room that I wanted to reclaim it in a more positive light. Every day I choose to show up to work, I am choosing to be in control of the grief that lays just below surface. So many new happy memories and emotions have filled this room to the brim. It has become my space to help others, and in so doing, help myself.
What's one piece of advice you'd give to aspiring entrepreneurs or authors?
Don't let fear stop you from fulfilling your dream. One thing I have learned is that time is a thief. If you keep saying someday, you'll wind up never doing what it is that tugs at your heart. Make one actionable step at a time, never stop, don't give up, just get up and do it.
Do you have any favorite books, podcasts, or resources that have had a significant impact on your personal or professional growth?
There are so many talented individuals out there, I am a someone who searches YouTube when I get stuck on something and tend to watch as many videos on the subject as possible. I listen to several podcasts, all of which I love for various reasons. I think the key to personal and professional growth is to find what works for you. We are all different, therefore, what I do may not help you. The biggest change I made was in my daily devotions. I find devotions that touch on topics that I am struggling with - brokenness, unworthiness, authenticity, etc. I have incorporated daily devotions for the last 3 years and it has been what has helped me grow the most.
What's your favorite part about working with clients and helping them bring their vision to life?
Collaborating with others is so much fun. Getting to know them and listening to what is on their heart is my favorite part. I open up my space to give them room to be vulnerable so we can get to the root. I lead with empathy and compassion, so chances are if they are crying, I am too, but its such a beautiful moment we share.
How do you stay updated on industry trends and innovations in graphic design?
Trade Magazines, YouTube, Industry Websites, etc. I am always looking forward to see what is coming down the pike and often I grumble about some of the trends because I firmly believe that design should be a part of your identity, not a trend that fades away. Authenticity cannot be found in trends.
What's one thing you wish more people knew about the importance of branding and design for businesses?
Standing out. The way that I can best sum this up is this: Canva is an amazing tool for DIY Entrepreneurs. However, there are over a million users who all have the same access to the template you just shared. Simply changing the colors to match your brand isn't enough to stand out on your own. Eventually, your audience will have likely seen it a thousand times over and it won't be enough to stop their scroll. It's ok to be a DIY Entrepreneur, but I would encourage you to think outside of the box and switch up those templates.
What's your favorite type of project to work on, and why?
Books/Editorial. Layouts are one of my favorite things to do, I like to try to get creative within the margins that are set for me. It's challenging and the end result is always amazing.
How do you balance your professional life with your personal passions and interests?
I am not the greatest at this...but I'm trying. One thing we've done is incorporate camping during the warmer months. This year, I am adopting the policy of unplugging while camping so I can recharge. It makes me a better designer when I take time to allow my mind to relax.
What's one lesson you've learned from your experiences in graphic design that you'd like to pass on to others?
Timing is everything. Rushing a project may result in incomplete work. Corners often have to be cut in order to quickly turn a design. If at all possible, take the time needed to properly plan and schedule out your project for bests results. Sometimes things are unavoidable and a job will need to be rushed, but please remember that with a rushed job comes a rush fee in order to account for the loss of work the designer may incur by moving your project to the front of the pack. I try to be mindful of all my existing clients who are already booked when a rush request comes and this is why I often turn down jobs that have a tight turn around. If I have wiggle room available, I often will do try to work it in so its always better to ask before you book.
How do you envision the future of your graphic design business and the impact you hope to make?
I hope to help as many people as possible feel confident within their identity - personally & professionally. Because I offer so many different design services, there are many possibilities to help incorporate design into your project. I want to help you, the question is, will you allow me to?