Download Chapter One FREE

Download Chapter One FREE

I can appreciate not being sure if my book is a good fit for you. That's why I wanted to offer a chance for you to give it a test drive by reading Chapter One. 

Chapter One begins at my lowest point, the point of which hardship threatened to really destroy everything I had worked so hard to build. It also shows my surrender in my hardship and how I turned to God as I sought His direction for a way out. 

By reading Chapter One, you'll get a feel for how each chapter is set up within the book, as they all follow the same flow. I've also included the Introduction to the book which breaks down what each section means and holds within each chapter so you can get a feel for what to expect. 

My book isn't just my story, there is teaching, lessons learned, journal prompts for you to apply what you learned, and scripture memorization. 

If you'd like to give it a try before you purchase, you can download the free sample chapter here

I believe in full transparency, which is why I am making this an option for you. If you enjoyed reading Chapter One, I invite you to purchase my book either through me or anywhere books are sold, and give it a chance to help you uncover your authentic identity in Christ. 

Long gone are the days of people-pleasing and self shame. You are destined to do far greater things than that. Let's rediscover who you are in this moment, right here, right now. 

Celebrating at my Launch Party

This past weekend, I hosted my launch party with a few close friends who helped make my book possible. We had a lovely, and low-key time together that I didn't want to end. We laughed, we fought back tears, and we celebrated our beautiful friendships. 

Having a community of people who love you despite how messy your life may get is crucial in helping us to overcome hardships. I know that I couldn't have done it without them.

One thing that I have learned is that in order to be a good friend to others, I had to first work on myself, and become someone who led in love. Accepting others for who they are and not keeping record of their wrong doings, forgiving others for falling short, and forgiving myself for sometimes being a crummy friend. 

One thing we find in scripture a lot is to love one another as God loves us. I have fallen short in this department more times than I care to admit, but I am trying to make sure that I do this more and more. Accepting others no matter who they are, what they believe, how they act, this is an example of how Jesus said to love one another. Love keeps no records of wrongs, therefore, we shouldn't either. Forgive others just as God forgives us. 

May I always have an open door and a seat at my table for you to sit at no matter what it is you may be facing. You are always welcome to dine with me.

With Grace, Shonda

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